Welcome to ATTrauma.com
Assessment and Treatment of Trauma (ATT) is a new international
continuing education course from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
that represents the state-of-the-art in prehospital trauma assessment and management.
Based on the most current medical information and best practices, this concise and
highly interactive continuing education course covers the critical knowledge and
skills necessary to rapidly evaluate, stabilize, and transport the trauma patient.
ATT offers students an engaging course that expands their knowledge of trauma concepts
and promotes critical thinking through case-based learning, hands-on skills stations,
live-action video, and small group scenarios. Innovative student resources that
include a Precourse Online Module and ATT Audio Book allow students to experience
true hybrid learning. The flexible structure of ATT and adaptable teaching materials
reflect the notion that providers should "train like they work and work like they
train" and will enable instructors to offer the most dynamic trauma course on the
market. ATT also offers user-friendly administration in a paperless environment.
ATT is accredited by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for Emergency
Medical Services (CECBEMS) and approved by the National Registry of EMTs.
Students are eligible to receive 10 hours of continuing education hours (CEUs)
through CECBEMS upon successful completion of the course.